11 - Utah 200+ CardsMary L. Martin Ltd
Sorted. Early to standard size chrome. Hotels, Temples, Salt Lake City, Ogden and others.
Bidding Has ConcludedSold to P*******1 for (40.00 + 2.00BP) = 42.00
12 - Texas Trains Approx. 90 CardsMary L. Martin Ltd
Group of Texas Trains & Stations. From all over the state. Early to standard size chrome. El Paso, Galvestion, Ft. Worth, Amarillo and others.
Bidding Has ConcludedSold to o********c.. for (80.00 + 4.00BP) = 84.00
13 - Court House 300+ CardsMary L. Martin Ltd
Sorted by states, from all over the country. Early to standard size chrome but mostly pre chrome.
Bidding Has ConcludedSold to Z****S for (215.00 + 10.75BP) = 225.75