Auction Details

Lots & Pictures will be added daily. We are still processing the massive amount of cards. Please check back!

Large lots, small lots, individual cards. Holidays, greetings, artists, photos, states, international, subjects and more.

We usually have smaller individual lots towards the end of the auction.

No returns on items won.
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Winsch Christmas Holiday Greeting Postcards Approx. 350 Cards61 - Winsch Christmas Holiday Greeting Postcards Approx. 350 Cards
Mary L. Martin Ltd
Approx. 350 Winsch Christmas postcards. Pictures shown are just a portion of the lot.
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold for (210.00 + 10.50BP) = 220.50
Winsch Novelty Christmas Booklets 16 Cards62 - Winsch Novelty Christmas Booklets 16 Cards
Mary L. Martin Ltd
16 Winsch Christmas booklets.
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold for (15.00 + 0.75BP) = 15.75
Lincoln - Patriotic Many Greetings Album Approx. 65 Postcards63 - Lincoln - Patriotic Many Greetings Album Approx. 65 Postcards
Mary L. Martin Ltd
Approx. 65 Lincoln and related postcards. Early. Many greetings. Pictures shown are just a portion of the lot.
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold for (100.00 + 5.00BP) = 105.00
Novelty Hold to Light - Transparency Series of Gods Postcards 8 Different64 - Novelty Hold to Light - Transparency Series of Gods Postcards 8 Different
Mary L. Martin Ltd
8 transparency hold to light postcards from the same series. Apollo, Venus, Laokoon and others.
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold for (25.00 + 1.25BP) = 26.25
Pretty Ladies & Horses 14 Postcards65 - Pretty Ladies & Horses 14 Postcards
Mary L. Martin Ltd
14 postcards of ladies and horses. All signed.
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold for (45.00 + 2.25BP) = 47.25
Bonnetts on Greeting Postcards 90 Cards66 - Bonnetts on Greeting Postcards 90 Cards
Mary L. Martin Ltd
90 postcards with bonnetts. Many Easter, Birthday & Children. Pictures shown are just a portion of the lot.
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold for (80.00 + 4.00BP) = 84.00
Signed Artist Pauli Ebner Children & Holiday Greeting Postcards 3567 - Signed Artist Pauli Ebner Children & Holiday Greeting Postcards 35
Mary L. Martin Ltd
35 Pauli Ebner postcards.
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold for (50.00 + 2.50BP) = 52.50
Schmucker - Frexis Valentine Holiday Greeting Postcards 20 Cards68 - Schmucker - Frexis Valentine Holiday Greeting Postcards 20 Cards
Mary L. Martin Ltd
20 Frexis/Schmucker postcards. Children, Winsch, etc.
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold for (70.00 + 3.50BP) = 73.50
Drayton Children Greeting Postcards 2069 - Drayton Children Greeting Postcards 20
Mary L. Martin Ltd
20 Drayton children postcards. Early.
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold for (55.00 + 2.75BP) = 57.75
New York 1939 World's Fair Exposition Album Approx. 250 Postcards70 - New York 1939 World's Fair Exposition Album Approx. 250 Postcards
Mary L. Martin Ltd
Approx. 250 39 Expo postcards. Pictures shown are just a portion of the lot.
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold for (300.00 + 15.00BP) = 315.00